The Ultimate Guide to Gravestone Doji Candlestick Patterns
Last updated: February 7, 2024
Gravestone Doji Pattern
The gravestone doji pattern occurs when a stock's opening and closing prices are the same as the low for the day:
General Identification & Interpretation
Steve Nison is credited with bringing Japanese candlestick charting to the West. In his book "Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques" he describes gravestone doji patterns with the following characteristics:
Typical characteristics
The candle has a long upper shadow
The candle's opening and closing prices are the same as the low for the day
Examples of use as a trading indicator
The gravestone doji candle is a bearish indicator if present in an uptrend, as the market was unable to hold on to highs seen throughout the trading day
Other interpretations
Similar to a shooting star pattern, except instead of a small real body at the bottom of the candle, the opening and closing prices are the same
More for beginners
Check out our quick start guide to candlestick charting for more information if you are new to candlestick charting!